Chaffey High School
Current Information
Updated 27 May 2015
M20, the Trifid Nebula, in Sagittarius
My Expectations:
Of me, your
Of you, my
1. To treat you with respect at all
times. |
1. To treat me and your colleagues
with respect at all times. |
2. To provide you with an orderly
environment. |
2. To attend class and participate
in an orderly manner. |
3. To provide necessary
discipline. |
3. To always cooperate and never
disrupt. |
4. To provide competent instruction
and motivation. |
4. To study and do all of your
work. |
5. To provide the required content. |
5. To learn and master the required
content. |
Our class will be its best if we each do
our part!
Strive to attend school every day.
ASK questions and be a part of the
conversation. Attendance and participation are different things.
READ your text. It would be
pretty silly for me to simply repeat the text's material in class.
So I expect you to read so we can do other activities in class.
Commit to complete all activities and
assignments and turn them in on time.
Get help early (don't wait until it's
too late!).
Unit Synopsis:
This Week in
Astronomy: Schedule Key:
Gray is for past
weeks. Aqua
is for current and future weeks. |
Date |
Topic/Activity |
Assignment |
Current and
Recent Astronomical Happenings: |
December 13-17, 2012
— The annual Geminid meteor shower peaks this weekend.
The origin of the Geminids were once
thought to be a long disappeared comet, but are now believed to be bits of
debris related to the asteroid 3200 Phaeton. Possibly a rate of 50
meteors/hour might be seen. You will need to go outside after 9 pm and
look toward the east, though meteors might be seen in any part of the sky.
If you trace the path of Geminid meteors backwards, they appear to converge
at the same place in the sky, called the radiant. The radiant for
this shower is in the upper left portion of the constellation Gemini (hence
the name Geminid) near the first magnitude star Castor. Graphic at
right is from
Meteor Showers Online. |
October 19-October 23, 2012
— The annual Orionid meteor shower peaks this weekend.
The Orionids are caused by bits of debris
shed by Halley's Comet during previous swings through the inner solar system
(the last was in 1986). Possibly a rate of 50 meteors/hour might be seen.
You will need to go outside after 1 am and look toward the east, though
meteors might be seen in any part of the sky. If you trace the path of
Orionid meteors backwards, they appear to converge at the same place in the
sky, called the radiant. The radiant for this shower is in the upper
left portion of the constellation Orion (hence the name Orionid).
Graphic at right is from
Meteor Showers Online. |
October 5-October 19, 2012
— The
Great World Wide Star Count
you to participate in a global project to measure the effects of artificial
lighting on the night sky. No equipment is needed and no special
travel is required. Just log onto the web site, read the easy
instructions, go outside and count, then report your count with your
location data and weather conditions. You may log on as many times as
you like. You will be helping us to recover one of mankind's greatest
heritages: The Night Sky. The map at right is
Tom Patterson of the National Park Service.
November 17-19, 2011
— The Leonid meteor shower has a relatively weak peak of around 10-15
meteors/hour early Friday morning. The third quarter moon will
interfere with the viewing of fainter meteors. This meteor shower is
produced by debris from Comet Tempel-Tuttle and is the same shower that
produced a meteor storm in 2002. Read this nice
about the shower and its importance in meteor
science history. Graphic at right is from
Meteor Showers Online. |
August 10-14, 2011
The Perseid Meteor Shower occurs this year under bright
moonlit skies. From a dark site one may observe 60 meteors or more per
hour, but not this year. 2012 should be much better. The best
observing time is after 11 pm. Shower members may occur anywhere on
the sky but their common trait is that when traced backward their paths will
converge at a radiant point in the constellation Perseus. Image
at right and more information are available at
Universe Today.
Also, timely meteor shower information can also be found at |
August 5, 2011
The brightest
asteroid, 4 Vesta, is just past opposition this week, shining at magnitude
5.7 in Capricornus. It's an easy find in binoculars in late evening and can
be seen with the unaided eye from a dark site once the Moon sets.
Download the
finder chart
for 4 Vesta and 1 Ceres from
Sky and Telescope. The
spacecraft, the first to orbit an object in the main asteroid belt, is
orbiting Vesta and
sending back high-res pictures.
Dawn will spiral down to a much lower orbit for close up imaging by early
2012. At right is an image of Vesta taken on July 24. Click on
the image for a higher resolution view. |
December 20-21, 2010
— The last total eclipse of the moon for 2010 will occur with the west coast
of North America favored for the middle of totality occurring just after
midnight. A nice article covering the eclipse can be found at

wiped out any chance of viewing this year's lunar eclipse. The next
chances to see a total lunar eclipse from Southern California are December
10, 2012 as the moon sets (that means around 6 am!) and April 15, 2014 after
midnight. There will be a total lunar eclipse on June 15, 2011, but
you will need to travel to the other side of the world to view it.
Wondering about a solar
eclipse? A partial annular solar eclipse is visible from Southern
California on the late afternoon of May 20, 2012, and another partial
eclipse on
August 21, 2017.
September 25, 2009
— The Cassini team
released some incredible images earlier this week of the Saturn system
during equinox, and followed up with this beauty of a crescent moon Rhea
beneath the rings of Saturn. NASA has also put together a multimedia
presentation of recent pictures of Saturn, set to music, and it is stunning.
Run, don't walk and
click here to watch.
(Flash required) Text and image are from
Universe Today. |
May 24, 2008
— The sun passing through Taurus is captured by the SOHO spacecraft.
The Hyades, Pleiades, and Venus are all visible in the images at right.
Click on each image for a bigger view. The sun's faint corona can be
seen as well as the occulting disk and its bracket used to block the intense
light coming from the sun's photosphere. In the Hyades, stars as faint
as magnitude 10 are visible. Image credit
Solar and Heliospheric Observatory
Homepage. |
The Great Crossing:
check out the
made by Cassini Mission scientists of a ring crossing by the probe orbiting
Image credit:
Click here
to go to
Sky and Telescope's
almanac section. You may enter your location (zip, city, and
state) to customize for your location. Here you can obtain current
sun rise and set times, moon rise, set and phase information, visible
planets, International Space Station visibility predictions, and a current
sky map.
Mt. Baldy Sky
Viewing: Our preferred times of the month for sky
viewing are between new moon and first quarter moon. This allows us
to view the moon while shadows on its surface are strong but before the
moon becomes excessively bright for viewing deep sky objects.
Naturally, we also need favorable weather. Tentative dates are:
Thursday, September 20
Tuesday, September 25
Thursday, October 18
Tuesday, October 23
Wednesday, November 14
Wednesday, March 13
Monday, April 8
Wednesday, April 10
Normally we
meet at the 4th Street parking lot, go to dinner together, then drive to
the mountains. We return to Chaffey at approximately 9:30 p.m. In
case our observing site is unavailable, we may set up on the Chaffey
campus, either on the baseball field or on the North Quad (truly, the
pollution generated by our campus
and by surrounding Ontario is a real bother!).
Yes, there is homework most days, due
the next day. See the important information below and
If you
haven't done so,
register with School Loop.
In order for
your child to participate in after school activities, whether on campus or
off campus, we require that an insurance card and permission to attend
field trip card be filled out and on file with the instructor.
Contact me
e-mail or call me at
(909) 988-5560 ext. 2434 if you have any concerns regarding your student's
progress in Astronomy, my teaching, or the course content. I will
respond within 24 hours.
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