An impressive
list of live astronomy views and resources suggested by Barbara Kelley and
her student at Colonial Academy.
Bill Herren,
owner of American Vision Windows authored this
blog featuring a fine collection of astronomy links. Thanks to Mary
and her teacher, Susan Lowe, for recommending this fine resource.
Astronomy Prints and Activities for Kids: This resource is of
interest to both students and educators. It includes the
1000 Yard Walk
which we do during the first week of class in the fall. My thanks to Ms.
Francine Davis of Seattle Public Schools for suggesting this fine resource.
Resources at Surveillance-Video.com: A
comprehensive listing of resources recommended by the students of Ms.
Anderson's English class at Diego Hills
Charter School in San Diego, California.
A comparative summary of telescope designs.
Khan Academy:
These are quite good; scroll down to the
cosmology and
astronomy section. Math and
physics topics are also
presented in their own sections.
Sky and Telescope:
The Web site for Sky & Telescope magazine with weekly updates of sky events
including planetary positions, comets and meteor showers, space exploration,
breaking scientific news, telescope making, and more.
Downloadable sky maps for any month of the year.
People of Space Astronomy Resources. An extensive list of resources
organized thematically that includes a list of important astronauts and
cosmonauts. This resource was recommended by Ms. Alicia Miller, a middle
school science teacher.
The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA):
Information about America's space initiatives.
Hubble Space Telescope Science Institute:
News and images from one of mankind’s greatest technological achievements.
The Spitzer Infrared Space Telescope:
News and images from the fourth great orbiting observatory.
Universe Today:
Space News from Around the Internet Updated Every Weekday.
International Dark-Sky Association:
An organization dedicated to restoring the view of the night sky and educating
citizens, businesses, and government about proper and efficient nighttime
lighting practices.
Space Science
Data Center Home Page: An
astronomical archive of space science data.
Gary Kronk's
Cometology Page: Useful and timely
information about comets that are currently visible.
Meteor Shower Page: Useful
and timely information about meteors and meteor showers.
Jet Propulsion
Laboratory: Follow the progress of
planetary exploration at these sites:
Cassini Mission
to Saturn,
Galileo Mission
to Jupiter, The
Pathfinder Mission
to Mars/Sagan Memorial Station, The
Mars Rovers, and
The Deep Impact Mission to Comet
Temple 1.
Internet Headquarters: A comprehensive
resource of astronomical information and images.
The Astronomical
Society of the Pacific:
Popularizes astronomy and is a leading source of astronomical books and
information on the West Coast.
Solar System
Simulator. JPL and NASA have build an
awesome simulator that lets you view any solar system object from any other
solar system object.
Reasons to Believe.
A resource worth checking into for those who insist that science and religion
must conflict.
Astronomy Simulations: Cool simulations
from the Astronomy 101/103 web site by Professor Terry Herter at Cornell