Chaffey High School
AP Calculus
Current Information
Updated 18 March 2016
My Expectations: |
Of me, your teacher |
Of you, my student |
To treat
you with respect at all times.
To provide
you with an orderly environment.
To provide
necessary discipline.
To provide
competent instruction and motivation.
To provide
the required content.
To treat
me and your colleagues with respect at all times.
To attend
class and participate in an orderly manner.
To always
cooperate and never disrupt.
To study
and do all of your work.
To learn
and master the required content.
Our class will be its best if we each do
our part!
Strive to attend school every day.
ASK questions and be a part of the
conversation. Attendance and participation are different things.
READ your text. It would be
pretty silly for me to simply repeat the text's material in class.
So I expect you to read so we can do other activities in class.
Commit to complete all activities and
assignments and turn them in on time.
Get help early (don't wait until it's
too late!).
Unit Synopsis: Unit
6 is an introduction to the rich topic of differential equations. We
review how to show that a function solves a differential equation.
From there, we will learn about slope fields which allow us to graphically
"see" the family of solutions to differential equations (including those
whose algebraic solution requires techniques beyond the scope of this
course). We will learn about Euler's method for approximating values
of the solutions for differential equations. Finally, we will
algebraically solve separable differential equations as well as solve
problems whose differential equations are separable.
The following programs
written for the TI-83 are useful for the numerical and graphical study of
definite integrals and differential equations. RSUMS
is a program that allows you to calculate the left, right, and average
(Trapezoid Rule) Riemann sums for a function of x that you enter
into the calculator's equation editor.
SLOPEFLD is a program that will draw a slope field for a differential
equation in x and y that you enter into the calculator's
equation editor. You must disable the graphing aspect of the editor
(toggle the "=" sign) after entering the differential equation and before
executing the program. EULERT is a
program that numerically performs Euler approximations on a differential
equation in x and y that you enter into the calculator's
equation editor. EULERG is a program
that graphically performs Euler approximations on a differential equation
in x and y that you enter into the calculator's equation
editor. Again, you must disable the graphing aspect of the editor
(toggle the "=" sign) after entering the differential equation and before
executing the program. The above programs were obtained courtesy of Mr.
John Jensen of Rio Salado College
in Tempe, Arizona.
This Week in Calculus:
Schedule Key: Gray is
for past weeks. Aqua is for current
and future weeks. |
Activity |
Assignment |
Monday, Mar. 7 |
Page 409, #1, 3, 5, 8, 31-34
Tuesday, Mar.
8 |
Mar. 9 |
Slope fields
Slope field program
Thursday, Mar.
10 |
Pages 411-412, #61, 62, 69, 72, 75-77
Friday, Mar.
11 |
Pages 418-420, #2-23 (3n), 24, 26,
27, 69, 71, 72
Last day of the Third Quarter |
Saturday, Mar. 12 |
p Day |
Tuesday, Mar.
15 |
Mar. 16 |
Thursday, Mar.
17 |
2010 AB5 (Form B)
2005 AB6 (Form B)
Friday, Mar.
18 |
Monday, Mar.
21 through Monday, Mar. 28 |
Spring Break |
Next test is Thursday, March 31 |
Linked files are in PDF format (you will need the
Acrobat Reader (or equivalent) to view)

Yes, there is homework
nearly every day, due the next day.
If you haven't done so,
register with School Loop.
Contact me by
e-mail or
call me at (909) 988-5560 ext. 2434 if you have any concerns regarding
your student's progress in Calculus, my teaching, or the course content.
I will respond within 24 hours.
Important Dates:
Click here
for important dates regarding the SAT and AP programs.
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